You will be seeing more of me around the country, as I bring the Practice Safe message to dental practices and professionals, promoting Health and Wellbeing with Positive Health and Safety Practice.
If your having trouble understanding the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and getting your practice compliant, we can help.
With over 30 years of dental experience I understand the industry and can make your health and safety compliance as simple as a class 1 restoration.
From set-up to implementation, its your choice. Let us be your outsourced in-house health and safety team.
Our simple, logical policies, procedures and safeguards we put in place provide your business with the necessary tools, systems, expertise and guidance to save you time and money, while reducing risk of harm or injury.
We offer a range of support and backup services as well as providing Training and Education. We support the whole team, so you, can get on with dentistry.